You are a Six-figure, Purpose led, High-performance Professional, Coach or Entrepreneur

Get set to go from Burnout to Breakthrough FAST and Quantum Shift your Results as you become the Master of your reality, from the Bedroom, to the Boardroom and Beyond!

You are a Six-figure, Purpose led, High-performance Professional, Coach or Entrepreneur

Get set to go from Burnout to Breakthrough FAST and Quantum Shift your Results as you become the Master of your reality, from the Bedroom, to the Boardroom and Beyond!

I'm Ella

I'm Ella

I’m a Leading Breakthrough Coach, Speaker and Quantum Catalyst based in Melbourne Australia. I teach people to Grow Themselves - to Grow Their Wealth.

Let’s go deeper…

You are here because you are ready for a major Breakthrough!

You’re Burnt Out:

You’ve hit the wall. You’ve been building an empire – you’ve given and given, and at what cost?

  • Where did you go?

  • Your health is suffering: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.

  • Your relationships are suffering.

  • You over give. People please. Run perfectionism, proving and performing.

  • Nothing is ever enough! You are never enough!

  • You have lost touch with the part of you that feels joy and inspiration.

  • You are existing, not living.

AND... YOU’RE DONE! If that's you - GREAT!

That means you are done feeling like this!

  • You know there is MORE to life than this and you are ready to take back the sovereign reigns of your life, take back your empowered self, your health and your pleasure - but for that to happen you know you need a major reset.

You’re at a Crossroad or Feeling Stuck:

When we're in burn out nothing is clear. Even if from the outside, looking in your smashing it in life, but internally you’ve reached a point where now you know you need more information before you can take the next empowered step.

There seems to be a big part of you, or lots of parts, that feel confused, overwhelmed, unsafe, out of alignment, scared, stuck or simply in resistance to you doing what it is you know needs to get done, to have what you want.

So what’s wrong with this picture? WHY can’t you change?

  • You have sub/ unconscious belief systems, or sabotaging behaviours that keep derailing your progress.

  • You don’t really know what you need or where you need to go but you do know that something needs to change…

  • You are tentative because you have tried things before and they haven’t worked for you – or they have led you further into your distractions or sabotaging behaviour

  • You’re time poor so you know you want to see and feel change - fast!

  • And you know once you have the right support in place and greater clarity you would rock the taking action and implementing changes.

You’re a Curious Explorer!

  • You also know for things to change first “I“ must change…

  • You’re hungry to learn, to fill the missing gaps and you’re willing to explore alternative avenues that are not so conventional for help and assistance.

You’re About to Uplevel/ Pivot:

Very often this is all happening at the same time you have built a life, and have now come to a point in your personal or professional career, where you’ve reached a pinnacle and you know it’s time for you to make a dramatic shift and, or up level!

  • It could be a major career change – choosing to go for the big promotion, branch out on your own or create a start-up.

  • You are ready to go for the big promotion or maybe you're wanting to upgrade your pricing or business model to serve more and charge what you’re truly worth!

  • You might be ready to leave your relationship and start again, or get back out on the scene after a long hiatus.

  • You’re on a health or body upgrade journey.

  • You desire deeper, more intimate / authentic connections with self and others.

  • You are ready to overcome the ordinary and step into the EXTRAORDINARY - from the Bedroom – to the Boardroom & Beyond!


  • You are feeling the RESISTANCE.

  • You have old, outdated belief systems, or sabotaging behaviours that are trying to keep you safe and keep making excuses as to why NOW is (still) not the right time to move.

  • Fear. Lack of clarity. Lack of trust. Lack of support. You too are feeling stuck!


Deep Down You Know That NOW is the Perfect Time!…

  • The truth is - you know you are actually overdue!

  • You know it’s time for a reset. A major Clarity Breakthrough and Identity UPGRADE!

  • You know that what you are doing now is not sustainable long term... Look ahead 10 years into the future... What is this way of BEing costing you? Your inner peace? Your joy? Your pleasure? Your Connection / Relationship (to self and other's)?

  • You know you have so much to contribute and you are here for BIG things, to be of service to many - but there has to be a better - more sustainable way?!

  • You are truly ready to BREAKTHROUGH the glass ceiling, the old limitations, the beliefs, the identity, to clear whatever is in the way so you can finally feel fulfilled - live a life of deep meaning, create a dramatic impact and incredible revenue doing what you love and loving what you do!

  • It's time to get all parts of you onboard with this new beginning, this shift and upgraded self.

  • So you can be the you who leaves a proud legacy!

  • You know you need to fill some gaps and Quantum shift some areas of life, love and business stat- and want to get expert guidance and support you can trust.

  • You are looking to align with something that is SAFE, works FAST, that feels GOOD and gets incredible RESULTS - where you’re creating a beautiful harmony in life, love and business!


You’re in the right place!

Firstly, I just want to remind you, wherever you are right now is perfect!

And secondly, curiosity is the KEY!

Oh, and before we go any further...


You are a

powerful creator

so powerful in fact you were born with a superpower… That was the power of free will and choice.


Your choices are neither good or bad

but they do define who you BE

and BEcome.


You are a powerful creator

so powerful in fact you were born with a superpower… That was the power of free will and choice.


Your choices are neither good nor bad

but they do define who you BE

and BEcome.

So, you are always free to choose...
you can choose to stay exactly where you are…
In your comfort zone

But I ask you…

At What Cost?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… Why so many of the modalities and Coaching experiences you’ve already tried haven’t worked for you.

Did you know, you are more than just your mind!

You actually have four bodies:









So many of the Coaching modalities out there, do not take this into consideration and they work with only one – or maybe two of the four bodies at a time.

Very often, the resistance we experience or sabotage we are going through, is coming from one, or more, or ALL of our bodies at the same time! This is when we are out of ALIGNMENT.

So, it’s imperative that we learn to come into alignment by working in harmony with all four bodies simultaneously to impact fast, healthy and ecological change - otherwise we will always feel, on some level, that we are pushing against the tide and at war with ourselves.

When we find ourselves in this ‘out of aligned state’, we begin to ask ourselves questions like this:

"What’s wrong with me?"

We come to the internal conclusion:

There must be something ‘missing’ for me not to have gotten this right/ worked this out already?

But wait?

We’re smart people right?! Look around!!!

  • We run businesses!

  • We’ve built empires!

  • We are successful in so many areas!

  • We help others!

So why can’t we help ourselves?!

Why can’t we work this part of the puzzle out?

We start to get stuck in our head. Ruminating over and over about what we should be doing and how to do it? And... we never get to the answer.

This takes up precious mental bandwidth and robs us of our present moment. When we go into our head we disconnected from the intrinsic wisdom of the body, the heart and inner guidance system.

As Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind/ consciousness that created the problem”.

So, deep down we begin to feel like a fraud. If we are running this belief/ 'program' (conscious or unconscious) it will start to show up in our behaviour:

  • We edit ourselves.

  • We shrink.

  • We perform.

  • We lose touch with our authentic truth, and authentic self.

  • We are living from Fear not Love.

Even when we’re doing a good job pretending that everything is fine (Fucked up. Insecure. Neurotic and Emotional F.I.N.E) we know that this is costing us something.

How This Shows Up:

After 20+ years of working with multiple hundreds of clients from all walks of life, I’ve identified that universally it costs us most greatly in the following 8 key areas of life:


(Associated with the Physical Body)

We don’t feel safe to be truly authentically ourselves. We look outside of ourselves for grounding, belonging and external validation.


(Associated with the Sex Centre)

We get disconnected from our pleasure – physically and energetically. We pinch off our creative juices. We shut down the door for manifestation. Everything feels dry and like hard work.


(Associated with the Physical body)
We don’t feel safe to be truly authentically ourselves. We look outside of ourselves for grounding, belonging and external validation.


(Associated with the Sex centre)
We get disconnected from our pleasure – physically and energetically. We pinch off our creative juices. We shut down the door for manifestation. Everything feels dry and like hard work.


(Associated with the Solar Plexus)

We start outsourcing our Power – or we step away from our authentic Power and instead hide behind our ego/identity. We can struggle with boundaries and this can begin to impact our time, space and revenue.


(Associated with the Heart)

We close our hearts to intimacy. We armour and guard ourselves. Our relationships begin to suffer. We start to feel even what we do feels like hard work.. Rather than doing what we love, and loving what we do.


(Associated with the Solar Plexus)
We start outsourcing our Power – or we step away from our authentic Power and instead hide behind our ego/identity. We can struggle with boundaries and this can begin to impact our time, space and revenue.


(Associated with the Heart)
We close our hearts to intimacy. We armour and guard ourselves. Our relationships begin to suffer. We start to feel even what we do feels like hard work.. Rather than doing what we love, and loving what we do.


(Associated with the Throat)

We begin to shut down our authentic expression. When we edit ourselves, this is going to limit our impact, it will taint our message and our Magic.


(Associated with the Mind - 3rd Eye)

We begin to live in the Monkey mind where a battle is raging – pulling us in multiple directions – So many Questions! There is never a peaceful moment. Our mind is full of to-do lists. “I should/I shouldn’t” etc.


(Associated with the Throat)
We begin to shut down our authentic expression. When we edit ourselves, this is going to limit our impact, it will taint our message and our Magic.


(Associated with the Mind - 3rd Eye)

We begin to live in the Monkey mind where a battle is raging – pulling us in multiple directions – So many Questions! There is never a peaceful moment. Our mind is full of to-do lists. “I should/I shouldn’t” etc.


(Associated with the Crown)

Moments of presence are fleeting… We are not there consistently. We are less able to hear our truth and inner guidance system. We feel cut off from Source and the energy of The Universe and become a human DOing instead of a human BEing.


(Associated with the Whole BEing)

Now how we show up: from the bedroom, to the boardroom and beyond, is not coming from a beautiful integrated and authentic place. Even when we’re with loved ones, we know that they’re only getting a fraction of the whole person that we could be – who currently feels so fragmented…


(Associated with the Crown)
Moments of presence are fleeting… We are not there consistently. We are less able to hear our truth and inner guidance system. We feel cut off from Source and the energy of The Universe and become a human DOing instead of a human BEing.


(Associated with the Whole BEing)
Now how we show up: from the bedroom, to the boardroom and beyond, is not coming from a beautiful integrated and authentic place. Even when we’re with loved ones, we know that they’re only getting a fraction of the whole person that we could be – who currently feels so fragmented…

So What Can You CHOOSE To Do About this?

You can choose to choose again – working with the

Platinum Method™!

What I know from personal lived experience, and from dealing with thousands of others over my lifetime, is all people need three elements in place for them to create incredible Breakthroughs and experience Quantum shifts in their lives.

These elements are:

Education, Inspiration and Empowerment

If we could develop a plan to move forward that gives you the following:


The wisdom to know


to change.


The wellspring of excitement and encouragement to desire and be willing to make changes and take inspired action consistently!


The true inner confidence you need to make the changes necessary (mind, body, energy and emotion) to take you ever closer to having all of you want...


The wisdom to know WHY, WHAT and HOW to change.


The wellspring of excitement and encouragement to desire and be willing to make changes and take inspired action consistently!


The true inner confidence you need to make the changes necessary (mind, body, energy and emotion) to take you ever closer to having all of you want...

What would that give you?

What would that mean to/ for you?

These three pillars create the foundations of the Platinum Method™ and are attributed through the different bodies:

Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit.

When these bodies come together in harmony and alignment they combine to create an arrowhead of Integrity (meaning, the integration of all parts) that guides the individual through life with pristine clarity, certainty and laser beam intention towards their desired target/ outcome.

But this by itself is not enough~

You must marry these elements to your greatest

Vision. Mission & Mastery!

Integrating Masculine & Feminine energy in UNITY!

The Result...

This results in the following positive impact through the eight key aspects of life:


We feel safe to be truly authentically ourselves. We stop looking outside of ourselves for grounding, belonging and external validation and give it to ourselves everyday.


We get fully connected to our pleasure – physically and energetically. We open the channel for our creative juices to flowwwww. We open the door to manifestation. Everything feels juicy and we are achieving more with ease and grace.


We feel safe to be truly authentically ourselves. We stop looking outside of ourselves for grounding, belonging and external validation and give it to ourselves everyday.


We get fully connected to our pleasure – physically and energetically. We open the channel for our creative juices to flowwwww. We open the door to manifestation. Everything feels juicy and we are achieving more with ease and grace.


We start resourcing rather than outsourcing our personal Power – We align with our authentic Power and begin to work with our ego/identity as an ally. We hold beautiful, loving boundaries and we take back our time, space and dramatically increase our abundance & revenue.


We open our heart to intimacy. We let go the armour and guarding as we are already safe. Our relationships begin to thrive! We start to align with our Vision, on Mission and in our Mastery – Doing what we love, and loving what we do.


We start resourcing rather than outsourcing our personal Power – We align with our authentic Power and begin to work with our ego/identity as an ally. We hold beautiful, loving boundaries and we take back our time, space and dramatically increase our abundance & revenue.


We open our heart to intimacy. We let go the armour and guarding as we are already safe. Our relationships begin to thrive! We start to align with our Vision, on Mission and in our Mastery – Doing what we love, and loving what we do.


We own our authentic expression. We express our truths with love and share our magic and mastery from the rooftops! We expand our impact, aligned with our message we live a life of deep meaning and influence – uplifting the world around us!.


We begin to live in the Higher mind where we are peaceful and free to receive our truth, downloads, insights, inspirations and solutions easily. We live in a more consistent state of clarity and certainty that leads to better decision making and taking inspired action daily!


We own our authentic expression. We express our truths with love and share our magic and mastery from the rooftops! We expand our impact, aligned with our message we live a life of deep meaning and influence – uplifting the world around us!.


We begin to live in the Higher mind where we are peaceful and free to receive our truth, downloads, insights, inspirations and solutions easily. We live in a more consistent state of clarity and certainty that leads to better decision making and taking inspired action daily!


Presence is our norm… We are able to hear our truth, intuition and inner guidance system; we trust it and let it guide our decisions and actions. We are deeply connected to Source and the energy of The Universe and release the human DOing and relish the human BEing.


NOW how we show up: from the bedroom, to the boardroom and beyond, is from a beautiful integrated and authentic place.

We love sharing our full self with loved ones, and the greater community at large! We know we bring our full, expansive and most dynamic self to the table and love that permission grants permission! As we shine we give everyone else permission to do the same!


Presence is our norm… We are able to hear our truth, intuition and inner guidance system; we trust it and let it guide our decisions and actions. We are deeply connected to Source and the energy of The Universe and release the human DOing and relish the human BEing.


NOW how we show up: from the bedroom, to the boardroom and beyond, is from a beautiful integrated and authentic place.

We love sharing our full self with loved ones, and the greater community at large! We know we bring our full, expansive and most dynamic self to the table and love that permission grants permission! As we shine we give everyone else permission to do the same!

Is this even possible?

YES it’s possible - You can have it all!

Choosing to partner with Ella as your Quantum Catalyst, Mentor and Guide: working with the Platinum Method™ and integrating the worlds of Governing Energetics, Sacred Sexuality, Quantum Healing, Powerful Manifesting with Business Strategy – you are guaranteed to move mountains and quantum shift your reality in life, love and business.

So where do I start?



Master Your ‘Masters Walk’

Module # 1

Clarity Breakthrough!

Within the first 30-60 days we will be going deep, having Breakthroughs and getting some serious WIN's on the board!

But... we need a reset.

“We cannot build anything worthwhile on rubble”…

Platinum Elevation – is the CLARITY BREAKTHROUGH you need that will take you from feeling blocked, confused or fragmented - to clear, aligned and powerfully making moves, in integrity with your Vision, on Mission and in your Mastery!

Platinum Elevation is the NEW foundation that will clear what’s in the way, bring you back into alignment with self and integrate all parts of you as we begin working with Ella’s the Flower of Life™ roadmap for success and the Platinum Method™: so you can launch the rocket ship of desire with clarity and certainty of Vision, on your Soul’s Mission and standing in your personal Mastery!

Platinum Elevation is the first step you need to give you all the grounding, the tools and the empowerment so you know where you are going, you’re connected to your deeper WHY - and you are now standing from a greater vantage point…

NOW... You can start gaining serious momentum!


Master your ‘Masters Walk’

Now you are clear, aligned and on track with your Vision, on mission and in your Mastery: you continue on the journey and take the next most powerful step.

No growth and comfort can ever coexist. Transformation and success takes commitment, perseverance and we need support.

There are 3 fatal things that derail, sabotage and hold people back from experiencing long-term success:


Lack of Support

to integrate the new Identity shift


Old Environment

the people, places and things in our environment are reflection of the past and our old identity that pull us back into the old way of BEing


Rushing the process

True change on all levels is a process that takes time to be integrated and aligned embodiment needs to be obtained in harmony with new identity.

This is where long-term proximity to a powerful catalyst for championing our change can mean the difference between success (you will get their eventually) versus imminent success (you're success is assured!)

Fast track your momentum and get the expert guidance you need to continue the Platinum Breakthrough Experience to go from ordinary to Extraordinary results working with the Platinum Method and taking the understanding of integrating the worlds of Governing Energetics, Sacred Sexuality, Quantum Healing, Powerful Manifesting with Business Strategy to the next level.

Platinum Mastery, is a 12 month Internationally Certified Mentorship Program.

PLATINUM MASTERY isn't just a mentorship program.

  • It's a Comprehensive Transformational Journey working through all 8 aspects/ areas of life: using Ella’s Platinum Method and the Flower of Life™ as a roadmap for ultimate success

  • Guiding 6 figure Heart-led High Performers and Soul-driven Entrepreneurs to achieve holistic success, profound personal growth, and a life of impact, abundance, joy, and deep fulfilment.

you'll receive:


Access to All Trainings/ Workshops

I will give you all the Education, Inspiration & Empowerment to know Exactly how to Remove the Resistance in your Path & De-Code & Re-Code your Wealth Vibration & Quantum Shift your Current Reality to Become a Manifesting Powerhouse.


Weekly Q&A / Activation & Strategy Sessions

You'll join our exclusive Weekly Q&A sessions and Activation & Strategy sessions.


Access the Morphogenic Field in a Powerful Container

Shared w other Incredible Humans up-levelling in Life, Love & Business to amplify the frequency & your Results!

you'll ALSO receive:


Access to All Trainings/ Workshops

I will give you all the Education, Inspiration & Empowerment to know Exactly how to Remove the Resistance in your Path & De-Code & Re-Code your Wealth Vibration & Quantum Shift your Current Reality to Become a Manifesting Powerhouse.


Weekly Q&A / Activation & Strategy Sessions

You'll join our exclusive Weekly Q&A sessions and Activation & Strategy sessions.


Access the Morphogenic Field in a Powerful Container

Shared w other Incredible Humans up-levelling in Life, Love & Business to amplify the frequency & your Results!


Full Day Vision, Mission & Mastery Play Shop

In person OR live streamed Vision. Mission & Mastery Play Shop - Create Your Unique Life Blueprint for the next 12 months


Six 1-on-1 Sessions


Access to the Ignition Portal

So you tune in, tap in and turn on now!


Secret Bonus Trainings


Full Day Vision, Mission & Mastery Play Shop

In person OR live streamed Vision. Mission & Mastery Play Shop - Create Your Unique Life Blueprint for the next 12 months


Six 1-on-1 Sessions


Access to the Ignition Portal

So you tune in, tap in and turn on now!


Secret Bonus Trainings

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